The C.S. Salveson Award for Distinguished Service

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. 我们做正确的事并不是因为我们有美德或卓越, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.


The C.S. 索尔韦森杰出服务奖是在澳门网上博彩官方网站设立的,以表彰为澳门网上博彩官方网站服务的杰出人士. “萨尔韦森奖”可颁发给为大学的建设和发展作出特别有价值和值得注意的服务的个人.

View the past C.S. Salveson Award winners.

Specific criteria for the C.S. Salveson Award for Distinguished Service are:

  1. 一贯的和实质上超过质量的表现, which is normally expected of an individual;
  2. 就大学的使命而言,表现卓越及效率卓越;
  3. 对大学有重要贡献的表现;
  4. 能够持续且充分地展示积极有效地与他人合作的能力和意愿的表现;
  5. 表现出有能力和意愿为优先事项的积极变化做出重大贡献, procedures, and organization of the University;
  6. 持续和实质性地为大学带来重要和显著的贡献,并促进了大学的使命.

The selection of the C.S. 萨尔维森杰出服务奖获得者不是一个年度活动, 但该奖项是颁发给那些对大学有特殊服务的人. 获奖者由大学校长与澳门网上博彩官方网站董事会主席协商后选出.

Alumni Distinguished Service Award

校友杰出服务奖旨在表彰在公共事务等领域做出杰出贡献的华德福校友, education, church, business, and government. 他们在为社区和教会服务的过程中展示了他们的基督教信仰.


To nominate someone for this award, please print out the nomination form (PDF) and return to the alumni office by March 1. If you are unable to print the nomination form, contact the alumni office and one will be mailed to you.

Criteria for Alumni Distinguished Service Award

  1. Must be an alumnus/alumna of Waldorf University. 校友/女校友是指在华德福学习了一年(至少24学分)课程的人.
  2. 在公共事务等方面有突出的功绩, education, church, business, government.
  3. 忠于基督教信仰,忠于自己对教会的呼召和责任.
  4. Representative of the ideas of Waldorf University.

Recent Alumni Award for Service

华德福的使命是以耶稣基督的精神教育整个人, 使每个人都能通过服务的生活来体验满足. 最近的校友服务奖是颁发给最近对他们的社区表现出杰出服务的校友, church or Waldorf University. The alumnus must have graduated within the past 10 years. 该奖项于2004年设立,2005年首次颁发.

View the past Recent Alumni Award winners.

To nominate someone for this award, 请列印提名表格,并于3月1日前交回校友办公室. If you are unable to print the nomination form (PDF), contact the alumni office and one will be mailed to you.

Criteria for Recent Alumni Award for Service

  1. Must be a graduate of Waldorf University.
  2. Graduated with the past 10 years
  3. Provided outstanding service to community, church or Waldorf University (community includes local, state, country or world). It could be in one or all three areas. Service is not restricted to only volunteerism. 被提名人可以是非营利组织的雇员,也可以是一对夫妇或一个团体.
  4. Represents the ideals of Waldorf University.

评选委员会将在每年春季审查所有提名,并在秋季选出一位获奖者. If your nominee is not selected, 他们的档案将继续开放三年,并与明年的提名一起进行审查.

Athletic Hall of Fame

体育名人堂旨在表彰那些在华尔道夫体育项目中发挥过重要作用并最能体现体育精神的个人, 部门及其项目的诚信和理念. Former players, coaches, 以及其他对体育项目和大学做出重大贡献并带来荣誉的个人有资格入选体育名人堂.

Criteria for Athletic Hall of Fame

For the selection of student-athletes

  1. 他/她必须是澳门网上博彩官方网站的优等生.
  2. 通常情况下,选拔将在学生运动员参加澳门网上博彩官方网站至少10年后进行.
  3. While athletic achievement is of prime importance, 学生在离开澳门网上博彩官方网站后取得的突出成绩也将在选择时予以考虑.
  4. 在评选委员会任职的校友,在评选委员会任职期间,可能不会被考虑进入体育名人堂.

For the induction of coaches

  1. 从华德福教练队伍中入选名人堂的候选人将根据以下条件进行考虑:
    • Length of their coaching career at Waldorf
    • Concern for the welfare of students
    • 支持华德福的使命和学术项目
    • Character and integrity
    • 在华尔道夫工作期间和之后都有杰出的成就
  2. 遴选委员会的成员在任职期间均不具备入职资格.
  3. 候选人在华尔道夫完成教练服务后必须满5年才能被考虑选择. (This requirement may be waived in special circumstances.)


  1. 以特殊方式支持澳门网上博彩官方网站体育部的人, 但不属于前学生运动员或教练类别的人可能会入选体育名人堂.
  2. 这些候选人必须获得选举委员会三分之二的赞成票才能当选.

To nominate someone for this award, 列出所有已知成就和任何证明文件的信件应发送至:

Athletic Hall of Fame Selection Committee
Waldorf University Athletic Department
106 South Sixth Street
Forest City, IA 50436

View the complete list of Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees.